Hello Hello gents and ladies :), In this blog we will talk about one bug I was found before and to know I did not get this bug in just 5 minutes to know It needs experience with some patience t...

What Is a Bug Bounty? There in the world, some of the companies Create things called bug bounty programs why their do that? I will tell you there are many hackers hacking the companies and do a ha...
مراجعة عن امتحان - eJPT البداية ما هي شهادة eJPT السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة هي شهادة من شركة تسمي Elearn Security موجها بشكل مخصوص للمبتدئين في مجال Penetration testing ومحتواها يش...
CRLF Injection البداية :- السلام عليكم في البداية كدا هنتكلم عن ثغرة تسميتها بالعربية تغذية خط إرجاع أول السطر - Carriage Return Line Feed بمعني انك بتضيف سطر جديد عبارة عن هيدر او محتوي للصف...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة Hello everyone today i write about bug i found in some programs :) this bug called Refelcted XSS in url path and this bug is very easy to understand from everyone...
Hello Everybody today i write about Arbitrary File Upload Cause occurrence ? It is because The Developer did not check the file extinsion or type ! Or there is a check but from javascript no php ...
Hello Everybody Today I write About Reflected XSS In vBulletin And How me Found After failed trying My Story I’m going in H1 Privte program Target and Check all Subs I Used all Methodolog...